President: Kyle Chiglo
Vice President: Steve Howe
Treasurer: Karen Bakken
Secretary: Mary Gudmunson
Trustee’s: Robert Anfinson (27), Val Howe (25), Amy Jacobson (25), Mike Pepin (26), David Markegard(25), Kristi Gudmunson (27)
Council meeting minutes can be found in the latest Highland Prairie/Elstad Newsletter.
Welcome to Worship at Highland Prairie Lutheran Church!
Pastor Jackie Short Church Phone: (507) 864-2731
Lisa Chiglo, Parish Secretary/Administrator Email:
Weekly donations can be sent to: Highland Prairie Lutheran Church c/o Treasurer
43267 Bowl Drive, Peterson, MN 55962
Budget status is found in each monthly newsletter
If you want to set up a time to meet with Pastor Jackie or Lisa please call or email the church to set up a time.
Pastor Jackie will typically be in the office Monday 12-5 & Wednesdays 8-4. Lisa will be in the office on Wednesdays 5-6pm.
We are both happy to arrange another time to meet with you. Please feel free to call or email to set up a time to connect.
Worship Time Change Starting on September 1 thru December 29th Elstads Worship time will switch to 9:00 a.m. & Highland Prairie’s Worship time will switch to 10:30
September 8th: BOWL SERVICE @ HP 10:30am
September Council Meetings Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024 Host Church: Highland Prairie
5:30 pm: Elstad council 6:30 pm: Parish council 7:30:pm: Highland Prairie
You can always give in the way of donations. Donations can be designated for use to the General Fund, Endowment, Youth, etc.
We are also looking for volunteers to serve as Readers, Ushers, Grounds Committee, Worship committee. Contact a Council member to let them know your intersted.