Women of the Evengelical Lutheran Church in America

Our church Women's Organizations are for all women members. We recognize that everyone has busy schedules and want everyone to feel welcome to do whatever they can. We encourage all committee members to share as many tasks as possible; it makes everything more fun and also lessens the load.

Everyone and Everything Is Very, Very Welcome!!

WELCA Officers:

President - Cathy Bakkum 864-7892
Secretary/Treasurer - Marion Dahl 864-2661
Mission & Growth - Joyce Dahl 864-2163 & Sarah Stensgard


Annual Meatball Dinner

April 7th, 2019, 10:30am - 1:30pm

Meatballs, mashed potatoes & gravy, glazed carrots, salad, rolls, lefse, dessert, beverage Adults – $10.00 Children 6-12 - $5.00 Children 5 and under – Free


WELCA Members: The volunteer sign-up sheet is in the narthex. Bake sale items should be brought to church on Saturday or early on Sunday morning..


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